Thursday, June 21, 2012

Community Darkroom is Looking for Teachers - Fall Session 2012!

Community Darkroom is looking for teachers. We offer both classes (2.5 hrs - one evening per week for 8 weeks- a total of 20 hours) and workshops (One Saturday 10am - 4pm OR 1 evening, 1-2 Saturdays for field trips, followed by an evening sharing of work).  Our summer class descriptions are online:

We always look for a mix of analog, digital, and historic/alternative process teachers and are also interested in special topics unique to the teacher's interests (ie portraiture, landscape, documentary, etc).  We are most in need of teachers for the following types of classes:

Learn to See
Intro to Photography using a 35mm film camera
Basic DSLR camera
Intermediate Black & White (a wet darkroom class)
Alternative/historic processes - tintype, palladium, albumen, wet plate collodion, etc.
Creating digital negatives, particularly geared to alternative processes
Medium and/or large format photography
Using an 8 X 10 enlarger
Street, documentary, or photojournalism

We are also eager to talk with anyone with new/unique ideas. Our pay is modest at $13/hr. but you will have the opportunity to teach a wide range of ages
(from 14-70 plus) from all different backgrounds in a unique community setting.

 Fall session is Sept 18-mid December time frame.

Please send your resume to or feel free to call us at 271-5920.