Monday, July 8, 2013
"10" at Chicago Photography Center to be Curated by RIT grad
The call for entries is open for the show "10" at Chicago Photography Center in celebration of their ten year anniversary. The exhibition will open this fall, on September 6 at CPC.
They write, "A lot happens in 10 years, the passing of a decade, the evolution of an idea, growth and change. What does 10 mean to you? CPC is looking for traditional or non-traditional photography that creatively interprets the theme of “10” as the passage of time, activity, or a duration."
Rochester native Gregory Jones is curating the show. He received his BFA from RIT and is beginning his graduate work at Visual Studies Workshop this fall. In June of 2012, Greg founded In the In-Between, a web-based photo-arts journal dedicated to the support and promotion of digital-imaging artists.
The breakdown:
Submission Deadline: July 15, entrants will be notified by July 26
Entry Fee: $20 for 3 images submitted electronically
Complete entry information can be found here.
The gallery has requested that any questions be directed to Heidi or Sarah: