Book Signings, Lectures and Exhibitions
MOTHER DAUGHTER Posing As Ourselves
The Project and The Book.
Thursday, September 17, 2009 through October 2, 2009
Opening, Book Launch & Signing: Thursday, September 17 from 5–8 PM
School of Photographic Arts and Sciences Gallery
3rd floor Gannett Building (Building 7B)
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, NY
Information: Therese Mulligan
Map: http://facilities.rit.edu/campus/maps/general/generalmedium.gif
MOTHER DAUGHTER Posing As Ourselves
September 25, 2009 through October 23, 2009
Opening & Book Signing: Friday, October 16, 2009 Time: TBA
University of the Arts
Gallery 1401
211 S. Broad Street, 14th Floor
Philadelphia, PA. 19107
View the Official MOTHER DAUGHTER Website at http://www.motherdaughterbook.com.