RIT’s William Harris Gallery hosts
exhibit ‘Solve for X’
MFA Group Thesis Exhibition
In the
group thesis exhibit, ‘Solve for X’, it is the questions, perspectives,
frustrations, and wonderment of the journey, not the destination, that the works
of four Imaging Arts graduate students explore. Featuring the works of Yuxiang
Dong, Catherine Hellsten, Yuanyuan Liu, and Jason Reimer, ‘Solve for X’ is the culmination
of their graduate education work at RIT in the field of Imaging Arts and
Related Media. Hosted by RIT’s William Harris Gallery, the opening reception will
be held from 5 – 8 p.m. on April 23, and the exhibition will run through May 7.
photography to video, glass sculpture to photo books, these four artists use a
range of media to communicate their creative perspectives within their
individual bodies of work.
In Identity Aperture: Self-portraits,
Genealogy and Other Archives, Yuxiang Dong re-encounters his journey
through life with the particular and unique experiences that make up the life
of an individual. Dong uses a variety of media to explore the
representation of identity in photographic images.
Catherine Hellsten’s body
of work, Mnemonic Waters, explores
episodes from the personal mythology of others by visually translating vivid
memories into narratives of surreal imagery set within a glass landscape.
In his book 197_ , Jason
Reimer utilizes a discordant mix of cinematic, personal, and evidential
photographs to prompt a meditation of how we understand the most fundamental of
human experiences—birth and death.
William Harris Gallery is located on the 3rd
floor of Gannett Hall at RIT. The gallery is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday
through Friday and by appointment on weekends. The gallery is handicapped
accessible and all exhibits are free and open to the public. For more
information, call 585-475-2884 or visit http://cias.rit.edu/william-harris-gallery.